Creating a theme

Stylo's theme can be used as reference.It's available on GitHub @ & under node_modules @ /node_modules/react-native-stylo/lib/stylo/themes

1. Define types

First things first, define the types for Variables & StyleNames. It's very important to define these types clearly by using a thoughtful naming convention which can offer better scalability and easier maintenance ahead. It's not practically possible to define all the types at once, because the theme may keep growing as the app grows. So always follow the practice of defining the types first and then style definitions, when adding new styles to the theme.

// Variables type TColor = 'Color.Body' | 'Color.White' | 'Color.Primary' | 'Color.Info' | 'Color.Warning' | 'Color.Danger' | 'Color.Grey1' | 'Color.Grey2' | ...; type TVariable = 'Body.Color' | 'Font.Color' | 'Font.Size' | 'Border.Color' | 'Border.Width' | 'Border.Radius' | 'Margin' | 'Padding': 12 | 'Avatar.Size': 40 | ...; // Reusable common StyleName types type TFontColorStyle = 'Color.Primary' | 'Color.Secondary' | 'Color.Info' | 'Color.Warning' | 'Color.Danger' | 'Color.Border' | 'Color.Grey1' | 'Color.Grey2' | 'Color.Grey1' | ... ; type TBackgroundColorStyle = 'BackgroundColor.Primary' | 'BackgroundColor.Secondary' | 'BackgroundColor.Info' | 'BackgroundColor.Warning' | 'BackgroundColor.Danger' | 'BackgroundColor.Grey1' | 'BackgroundColor.Grey2' | 'BackgroundColor.Grey1' | ... ; type TPaddingStyle = 'Padding' | 'Padding.Small' | 'Padding.Large' | ...; type TMarginStyle = 'Margin' | 'Margin.Small' | 'Margin.Large' | ...; // StyleNames type TBorderStyle = 'Border' | 'Border.Top' | 'Border.Right' | 'Border.Bottom' | 'Border.Left' | 'Border.Radius' | 'Border.Radius.Small' | 'Border.Radius.Large' | 'Border.Color.Primary' | 'Border.Color.Secondary' | 'Border.Color.Info' | 'Border.Color.Warning' | 'Border.Color.Danger' | 'Border.Color.Grey1' | 'Border.Color.Grey2' | ...; export type TTextStyle = TFontColorStyle | 'Align.Center' | 'Align.Right' | 'Bold' | 'H1' | 'H2' | 'H3' | 'H4' | 'Small' | 'Large' | 'Paragraph' | 'Margin' | 'Margin.Top' | 'Margin.Right' | 'Margin.Bottom' | 'Margin.Left' | 'Margin.Mini' | 'Margin.Small' | 'Margin.Large' | 'Margin.Top.Small' | 'Margin.Right.Small' | 'Margin.Bottom.Small' | 'Margin.Left.Small' | 'Margin.Top.Mini' | 'Margin.Right.Mini' | 'Margin.Bottom.Mini' | 'Margin.Left.Mini' | 'Margin.Top.Large' | 'Margin.Right.Large' | 'Margin.Bottom.Large' | 'Margin.Left.Large' | ...; export type TViewStyle = TBackgroundColorStyle | TPaddingStyle | TMarginStyle | TBorderStyle | ...; export type TTouchableStyle = TBackgroundColorStyle | TPaddingStyle | TMarginStyle | TBorderStyle | 'Button' | 'Button.Small' | 'Button.Large' | 'Button.Round' | 'Button.Circle' | ...; // & so on ...

2. Define Variables

Define the variables with their values. These will be used across the theme to maintain the consistency of style.

const variables { 'Color.Primary': '#000000', 'Color.Secondary': '#888888', 'Color.Grey1': '#FEFEFE', 'Color.Grey2': '#F4F4F4', ... 'Body.Color': '#FFFFFF', 'Font.Color': '#333333', 'Font.Size': 16, 'Font.Size.Small': 12, 'Font.Size.Large': 20, 'Font.Weight': '400', ... 'Border.Radius': 8, 'Border.Radius.Small': 4, 'Border.Radius.Large': 16, ... Padding: 16, 'Padding.Small': 8, 'Padding.Large': 24, ... };

3. Define styles

A good practice is to define the common styles separately & reuse them. Like, border related styles can be defined separately & can be reused to define styles for View, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView etc.

const BorderStyles = StyleSheet.create({ Border: { borderColor: Variables['Color.Border'], borderStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, }, 'Border.Top': { borderColor: Variables['Color.Border'], borderStyle: 'solid', borderTopWidth: 1, }, 'Border.Right': { borderColor: Variables['Color.Border'], borderRightWidth: 1, borderStyle: 'solid', }, 'Border.Bottom': { borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: Variables['Color.Border'], borderStyle: 'solid', }, 'Border.Left': { borderColor: Variables['Color.Border'], borderLeftWidth: 1, borderStyle: 'solid', }, ... }; const PaddingStyles = StyleSheet.create({ Padding: { padding: Variables.Padding }, 'Padding.Small': { padding: Variables['Padding.Small'] }, 'Padding.Large': { padding: Variables['Padding.Large'] }, ... }; const MarginStyles = StyleSheet.create({ Margin: { margin: Variables.Margin }, 'Margin.Small': { margin: Variables['Margin.Small'] }, 'Margin.Large': { margin: Variables['Margin.Large'] }, ... }; export const TextStyles = StyleSheet.create({ ...MarginStyles, Default: { color: Variables['Color.Grey8'], fontSize: 16, fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: 24 }, 'Align.Center': { textAlign: 'center' }, 'Align.Right': { textAlign: 'right' }, H1: { fontSize: 32, fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: 40, marginBottom: 16 }, H2: { fontSize: 28, fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: 36, marginBottom: 16 }, H3: { fontSize: 24, fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: 32, marginBottom: 8 }, Small: { fontSize: 12, lineHeight: 18 }, 'Size.Tiny': { fontSize: 8, lineHeight: 14 }, ... }); export const ViewStyles = StyleSheet.create({ ...BorderStyles, ...PaddingStyles, ...MarginStyles, ... }); export const TouchableStyles = StyleSheet.create({ ...BorderStyles, ...PaddingStyles, ...MarginStyles, Button: { padding: Variables.Padding, borderRadius: Variables['Border.Radius'], display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }, 'Button.Small': { padding: Variables['Padding.Small'], }, 'Button.Large': { padding: Variables['Padding.Large'], }, ... }); // & so on ...

4. Define theme

Collect all the style definitions into one object which will be used as the theme. It's important to use the same StyleNamespaces that have been defined by Stylo.

import IconStyles from './icon-styles'; import ImageStyles from './image-styles'; import ImageBackgroundStyles from './image-background-styles'; import SafeAreaViewStyles from './safe-area-view-styles'; import { ScrollViewContentContainerStyles, ScrollViewStyles } from './scroll-view-styles'; import TextStyles from './text-styles'; import TextInputStyles from './text-input-styles'; import TouchableStyles from './touchable-styles'; import ViewStyles from './view-styles'; import _variables from './variables'; export const variables = _variables; export const styles = { IconStyles, ImageBackgroundStyles, ImageStyles, SafeAreaViewStyles, ScrollViewStyles, ScrollViewContentContainerStyles, TextInputStyles, TextStyles, TouchableStyles, ViewStyles, };