Customizing Stylo theme

Theme structure

themes |- default |- __generated__ |- assorted |- components |- generic |- types |- __generated__ |- assorted |- components |- generic


All the types are defined under the directory called types.


It's the Stylo theme.


The default style definitions, created by Stylo, are defined under directory called __generated__. These style definitions are used across all the other files in the theme. Do not directly modify the files under __generated__.

How to customize?

Any file which is outside of the directory __generated__ can be modified. All the files, which are meant to be modified, clearly state that they can be modified, like below.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


All the variables are defined in the file called variable.ts. Open the variable.ts file from the theme & modify them as per your needs.

Example 1: Add new background colors

1. Add type definition

1.1 Open the file types/variables.ts.

Add new color names as per your need.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import _TVariable from './__generated__/variable'; type TVariable = _TVariable | 'Color.Pink' | 'Color.Violet'; export default TVariable;

1.2 Open the file types/generic/background-color.ts.

Add new background color names as per your need.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import _TBackgroundColorStyle from '../__generated__/generic/background-color'; type TBackgroundColorStyle = _TBackgroundColorStyle | 'BackgroundColor.Pink' | 'BackgroundColor.Violet'; export default TBackgroundColorStyle;

2. Add style definition

2.1 Open the file default/variables.ts.

Add new colors, against the types defined in step 1.1, as per your need.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import TVariable from '../types/variable'; import _Variables from './__generated__/variables'; const Variables: Record<'light' | 'dark', Record<TVariable, string | number>> = { light: { ..._Variables.light, 'Color.Pink': '#FF69B4', 'Color.Violet': '#EE82EE', }, dark: { ..._Variables.light, 'Color.Pink': '#FF69B4', 'Color.Violet': '#EE82EE', }, }; export default Variables;

2.2 Open the file default/generic/background-color.ts.

Add new background colors, against the types defined in step 1.2, as per your need.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import { StyleSheet, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import { TVariable } from '../../types'; import TBackgroundColorStyle from '../../types/generic/background-color'; import _getBackgroundColorStyles from '../__generated__/generic/background-color-styles'; const getBackgroundColorStyles = (variables: Record<TVariable, string | number>) => ( StyleSheet.create<Record<TBackgroundColorStyle, ViewStyle>>({ ..._getBackgroundColorStyles(variables), 'BackgroundColor.Pink': { backgroundColor: variables['Color.Pink'].toString(), }, 'BackgroundColor.Violet': { backgroundColor: variables['Color.Violet'].toString(), } }) ); export default getBackgroundColorStyles;

Example 2: Extend theme by adding new styles

You can easily add a new styles which do not exist in the theme. For example, Card styles. Lets add a new style definitions for Card component.

1. Define style types

Create a new file under directory types as types/assorted/card.ts.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ export type TCardStyle = 'Card' | 'Card.Header' | 'Card.Body' | 'Card.Footer';

2. Apply the style types to desired components

The CardStyle is expected to be applied to View & Touchable components.
Open the file types/components/view.ts.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Other imports import TCardStyle from '../assorted/card'; type TViewStyle = // other style types | TCardStyle; export default TViewStyle;

Open the file types/components/touchable.ts.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Other imports import TCardStyle from '../assorted/card'; type TTouchableStyle = // other style types | TCardStyle; export default TViewStyle;

3. Create style definitions

Create a new file under directory default as default/assorted/card.ts.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; const getCardStyles = (variables: Record<TVariable, string | number>) => ( StyleSheet.create({ Card: { borderRadius: variables['Border.Radius'], flexDirection: 'column', }, 'Card.Header': { padding: variables.Padding, borderTopLeftRadius: variables['Border.Radius'], borderTopRightRadius: variables['Border.Radius'], borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: variables['Border.Color'], }, 'Card.Body': { padding: variables.Padding, }, 'Card.Footer': { padding: variables.Padding, borderBottomLeftRadius: variables['Border.Radius'], borderBottomRightRadius: variables['Border.Radius'], borderTopWidth: 1, borderTopColor: variables['Border.Color'], }, }) ); export default getCardStyles;

4. Add these styles to View styles

Open default/components/view-styles.ts

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import getCardStyles from '../assorted/card-styles'; ... // other imports const getViewStyles = (variables: Record<TVariable, string | number>) => ( StyleSheet.create<Record<TViewStyle, ViewStyle>>({ ... // other styles ...getCardStyles(variables), }) ); export default getViewStyles;

5. Add these styles to Touchable styles

Open default/components/touchable-styles.ts

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* react-native-stylo */ /* GitHub: */ /* Docs: */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Customize as per your needs */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import getCardStyles from '../assorted/card-styles'; ... // other imports const getTouchableStyles = (variables: Record<TVariable, string | number>) => ( StyleSheet.create<Record<TTouchableStyle, ViewStyle>>({ ... // other styles ...getCardStyles(variables), }) ); export default getTouchableStyles;