
Type definition

Ref: TBackgroundColorStyle, TBorderStyle, TFlexStyle, TMarginStyle, TPaddingStyle

type TImageBackgroundStyle = | TBackgroundColorStyle | TBorderStyle | TFlexStyle | TMarginStyle | TPaddingStyle;


<Stylish.ImageBackground style={{ flex: 1 }} source={require('../images/screen-bg-light-1.png')} // OR screen-bg-dark-1.png for Dark theme styleNames={['Padding.Large']}> <Stylish.Text styleNames={['H1']}> ImageBackground </Stylish.Text> <Stylish.Text styleNames={['Paragraph']}> Stylo follows a philosophy called Styles only, with which it provides only the style definitions & does not provide any behavioral/action components like Card, Badge, Picker etc. The library provides extensive style definitions enough to style/create all kinds of components, right from simple Text to complicated Pickers & Forms. </Stylish.Text> <Stylish.Text styleNames={['Paragraph']}> Stylo provides a default theme with pre-defined style types and styles. App can copy these & then can immediately start using it or even modify them as per needs. </Stylish.Text> <Stylish.TouchableOpacity styleNames={['Button', 'Button.Small', 'Border', 'Border.Color.Primary', 'Flex.JustifyContent.SpaceBetween', 'Margin.Top.Large']}> <Stylish.Text styleNames={['Button.Text', 'Color.Primary']}> Read next article </Stylish.Text> <Stylish.Icon.AntDesign name="right" styleNames={['Button.Icon', 'Color.Primary']} /> </Stylish.TouchableOpacity> </Stylish.ImageBackground>
